======CRC: Collaborative Research and Teaching Testbed for Wireless Communications and Networks-Phase II
The goal of CRC II is to build a number of remotely accessible testbeds distributed among number of Egyptian universities. The implementation of this project aims to allow 24/7 remote access to the available resources at the Egyptian universities for the research and teaching purpose and reduce the cost of purchasing new equipment which is available at other universities. The different testbeds are federated with a unified architecture to allow new sites to integrate with the federated testbed with a fixed steps. The federation allows users from different sites to access other testbeds and allow the sharing of the testbeds' resources. The project duration is 21 months fully supported from National Telecommunication Regulation Authority (NTRA). The currently involved universities are:
* Prof.Hassan Mostafa, Cairo University, Egypt
This project is funded by the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA)